School of Culture research seminar

Dr Sarah Hellawell (Lecturer in Modern British History,
University of Sunderland)
The first School of Culture Research seminar of the academic year will take place on 14th November 2018. Dr. Sarah Hellawell's paper is entitled ‘A strong international spirit’: the Women’s Co-operative Guild and Interwar Internationalism’. Established in 1883, the English Women’s Co-operative Guild (WCG) was a mass membership association of working-class housewives and mothers. During the First World War, the Guild was an outspoken critic of militarism and maintained an absolutist pacifist response during the interwar years. Internationalist ideals and activities relating to peace, co-operation and the citizenship of women influenced the WCG during the 1920s and 1930s. Yet, the impact of internationalism upon the Guild has previously been overlooked by historians. This paper examines the dynamic between the international, national and local dimensions of the WCG. 

The seminar will start at 4 pm in Reg Vardy 111 and is open to all.


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